What Exactly are CBD Gummies?

What are CBD gummies? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about CBD including how it's made and what the benefits are.

CBD really exploded onto the American market after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which made it legal to cultivate and sell industrial hemp. These days you can find CBD products just about everywhere, both online and in retail stores.

One popular way to take CBD is in the form of gummies, which come in all different sorts of shapes, flavors, colors, and doses.

What are CBD gummies, though, and are they the right choice for you?

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about CBD gummies so you can make an informed decision about your next CBD purchase.

What Are CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies are gummy candy treats that contain the cannabinoid CBD (cannabidiol). You can find gummies in a bunch of different colors and flavors, making them both delicious and fun to eat.

One of the great things about CBD gummies is that you don’t have to deal with the fuss involved with other forms of CBD ingestion. If you are worried that you won’t like the earthy flavor of hemp, CBD gummies can be an accessible way to use CBD.

If you’re going to buy CBD gummies for the first time, make sure to avoid these five common mistakes.

Why Take CBD Gummies?

CBD gummies are a popular way to use CBD for a number of reasons. If you’re taking CBD for the first time, you might find gummies to be an easy and accessible introduction.

Easy to Use

Many people might not enjoy using CBD tinctures or taking CBD capsules. When you use CBD gummies, all you need to know is the dose per gummy and then you’re all set to go.

It’s Discrete

If you’re taking CBD as a part of your wellness routine, CBD gummies offer a discrete way to get your daily dose. Other forms of ingestion are more noticeable and might draw unwanted attention. For example, smoking CBD flower smells basically identical to smoking THC-heavy cannabis, meaning that your neighbors or coworkers might think that you’re doing something illicit when you’re simply trying to ingest a little CBD!

Taste Delicious

Not everyone is particularly interested in the taste of hemp. Hemp can taste earthy and nutty, which is in everybody’s ideas a good time. Flavored CBD Gummies make it so you don’t have to taste the hemp flavor. They taste just like the sweet, delicious gummies of your childhood with maybe the tiniest hint of hemp if that.


One of the most common questions people ask about CBD is how much they should take. With tinctures, vapes, and other products, it can be difficult to be precise in your dosage. However, with gummies, it’s easy to know exactly how much you’re taking every single time.

For this reason, CBD gummies are a very popular choice for both beginners and veteran users alike. You can typically find a variety of doses that can fit whatever your CBD needs are. It also makes it easy to increase or decrease your dose as you see fit.

The Benefits of Cannabis Without the High

One of the reasons for CBD’s popularity is because it offers the ability to benefit from ingesting cannabis without experiencing the psychoactive effects of THC. This means that people can use it on a daily basis without worrying about feeling like their mind has been altered.

It’s worth mentioning that full-spectrum gummies do contain trace amounts of CBD. However, in order to be legal at the federal level, CBD products must contain less than .3% THC. This means that people typically don’t feel any significant psychoactive effects when using CBD.

What’s the Difference Between Full Spectrum Gummies and CBD Isolate Gummies?

When you start to look at CBD products, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many different options, and they’re all so darned intriguing! From CBD sugar scrubs and shampoos to edibles and drinks, it’s easy to get caught in a rough bout of decision-making anxiety.

Perhaps you’ve finally settled on gummies as your first CBD product. A wonderful choice! But then you realize you have another decision to make: should you go full-spectrum or CBD isolate?

Basically, both full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate come from CBD extract. However, CBD isolate is a much more refined product.

Full-spectrum CBD contains CBD along with other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. This means that full-spectrum CBD even contains a small amount of THC, however, it will be less than .3%.

On the other hand, CBD isolate is only CBD. While some researchers believe that it is more beneficial to take cannabinoids in combination with one another (this theory is known as the entourage effect), some people would prefer to simply take CBD without all of the other stuff.

Is It Time For You to Try CBD Gummies?

Now that you know the answer to “what are CBD gummies?” you can make an informed decision about whether or not they’re right for you. If you do decide to try them, the next step is choosing a reputable company to buy them from.

It’s important to understand that not all CBD companies are created equal. CBD isn’t approved by the FDA, which means that it’s an unregulated industry. That makes it all the more important to do your own research to find a company that supplies high-quality CBD products every time.

You’ll want to look for a company that abides by natural and organic farming practices. On top of that, make sure that any company you buy from has third-party lab testing. This ensures that you know exactly what you’re getting when your product arrives in the mail.

At Nature’s Bloom, we’re here to supply high-quality CBD to help support the well-being of our customers. If you’re ready to try CBD gummies, check out our selection today!

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